Sapthamasree Thaskaraha Movie Review

Sapthamasree Thaskaraha Movie Review 

 'Sapthamasree Thaskaraha' is hilarious.

       A hilarious heist drama executed without exasperating
digressions. That would sum up the curiously titled 'Sapthamasree
Thaskaraha',a movie which makes use of inventive humour with the
adorable Thrissur slang to the hilt. The narration gives it the
cutting edge,that the half baked plot fails to provide.Seven convicts
who happen to find a common ground while in the jail,to pull off what
is their forte,theft.The  movie is all about thieves and a theft for
settling a score.
Sapthamashree Thaskaraha
     The penchant of the director to pander towards the absurd is
very much apparent in each and every frame of 'Sapthamsree
Thaskaraha'. It does not follow any particular pattern or adheres to a
straightforward narrative style.One does not feel a sense of
completion as the movie draws to a close but the film is surely a case
of delightful parts not exactly adding upto a whole.


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